Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Quick Update

So I know I've been a bit absent on this thing lately. Here's a quick update:

Been in Krakow for about 5 days. Great town, for reasons which I'll get into soon I promise. Met a couple people here and am heading up to Gdansk for this for the weekend on a whim. Should be a great festival. I'm psyched.

Will be back in Prague early next week where I'll put in a more worthy effort to catch everyone up.

1 comment:

Edward Hadad said...

Aronson, how are you old bean? I'm enjoying your blog. Actually, I totally forgot you had one until I was searching for your new e-mail address and serendipitously found this link. So, I haven’t really been enjoying it, but I will going forward. Keep up the good work, but stop leaving empty promises like, “I’ll put this picture up soon.” Or, “I’ll write more later.” Or, “This really cool thing happened, but let me think about it some more before I present it to you.” We get jerked around enough in the united states of expensive beer and non-topless parks.