This is another update. I've been in Cape Town now for nearly three weeks, as I just haven't been able to leave. For the past three weeks, Niels (a guy Ed and I met in Port St. Johns who has been living in Cape Town since January) and I have been strong on the scene, logging late nights and some memorable (if sometimes unbelievable) stories. One or more are bound to find themselves on here once I can concentrate on actually writing stuff for you all.
But enough excuses. I paraglided today, but inasmuch as I didn't catch any thermals (oddly similar vernacular to that which surfers use), it more or less just felt like a parachute ride. Either way though, I did have to take off and land, so anyone who wants to call me a pussy from their desk chair can pretty much just suck my ovaries.
Wow. Even I didn't see that one coming.
I'm leaving tomorrow on a 21 day overland camping tour through Namibia and Botswana, finishing in Zambia at Victoria Falls. It's the first tour I've booked in nearly a year of travel, so I guess you could say I'm getting a bit lazy. Then again, if you could see for five minutes the unbridled fervor with which I attack vodka-sodas in this country, you'd be positively awestruck.
Once in Vic Falls, I'm considering a quick 3-4 day dash into Zimbabwe to do a game drive and/or visit a nearby township before flying back to Cape Town. The move from there is to either settle down in Cape Town (a gradually increasing scenario) or head home to New York. What I love about Cape Town has a lot to do with what I love about New York, so I'll just have to see where my head is at after three weeks of camping in the bush. Certainly, I'll have plenty of time to think while traveling an average of 350 km/day on some outdated tour truck farting along at about 80 km/hr.
Ok, I need to take a nap before taking Cape Town by storm one last time (in May anyway). I'll report back.
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